Sunday, December 29, 2013

National Laymen Year In Review - July to September

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Year In Review
July - September
David Bozeman, Shiloh, IL. passed away in his sleep on Saturday, July 6, 2013. He was recuperating and convalescing from a stroke he suffered in early March. He was president of the laymen of the Baptist General State Convention of Illinois and served in the evangelism ministry of the National Laymen as the Follow-up Chairman.
While the National Congress of Christian Education was convening in St. Louis the week of June 17 - 2. David attended the Mission in Education and Evangelism Luncheon and Street Service on Wednesday afternoon and attended the address of Dr. George Waddles, Sr. in the main hall of the convention center. 
The Walter Cade, Jr. Southwest Workshop, (Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi) convened in Jackson, MS the weekend, July 26 - 28, 2013 at the Hilton Jackson Hotel. 
The state conventions of Mississippi working under the banner of Mississippi Baptist Fellowship served as hosts.
The theme for the workshop was "Solidarity with the Savior".
Alabama won the attendance trophy for the most paid delegates.

Leonard Dixon3
Charlie Richmond, the National Laymen Foreign Mission chairman appointed Leonard Dixon of Las Vegas, NV as the coordinator of foreign mission work for the Western-Farwest Region.
Dixon is the state laymen president for the Nevada & California Interstate Baptist Convention. He also serves on the National Devotion Team in the Worship Ministry. At his home church, Second Baptist, he is chairman of the deacon's ministry, director of the male chorus and bible study instructor.
On the of weekend, August 23 - 25th, the New Hope Missionary Baptist Church of San Bernardino, CA held their annual Men's Day Weekend. The weekend is comprised of fellowship, workshop and worship. 
National Recording Secretary Willie Luvert, a member of New Hope, was named Man-of-the-Year. Luvert has been serving as Recording Secretary for all of president Harold Simmons' administration. Simmons made a special trip to California.
Stephen & Lynn Perry
The laymen announced in August that they will be offering a new class at the September Annual Session, a Marriage Enrichment Seminar. It would be taught by Stephen and Lynn Perry of Buffalo, NY. Their topics that Perry's will addressed were:
1. The Definition of Marriage
2. The Essential Nature of Marriage
3. Marital Commitments
4. Practice Patience & Kindness Required
5. Keeping the Line of Communication Open
6. Resolving Conflict
7. Extending Forgiveness
8. God's Response to Divorce
There were many highlights at the laymen's 90th Annual Session in Charlotte, North Carolina, September 2 - 6, 2013. It was the convention's 133rd Annual Session.
Mary Reeves, the wife of Asst. Vice President I.V. Reeves was the keynote speaker for the 23rd Annual Melinda J. Cade Laymen Wives & Women Supporters Prayer Service. 
The theme was, "Biblical Women in solidarity with the Savior, Watching and Warning Through the Word".
President Harold Simmons delivered his 13th address at the Charlotte Convention Center during the laymen's 90th session and the NBCUSA, Inc. 133rd session. 
His theme was, "The Voice of a Biblical Man" Acts 4:18-20. 
Simmons introduced ten recommendations during his address for the movement to consider and climb to a higher height.
Ozell Dickerson2 
The annual Evening with the Royal Court was held on Thursday, September 5th at 6:00 p.m. at the Blake Sheraton Hotel. The King contest was won by Alabama and the king representing Alabama was Ozell Dickerson of Jacksonville, AL.
The top three places were: 1st - Ozell Dickerson, Jacksonville, AL
                                       2nd - Leo Hartfield, Jackson, MS
                                       3rd - Claude Underwood, Jr., Newark, NJ
Following the King Contest was the John L. Webb Awards and Recognition Banquet. Dr. George Waddles, Sr., pastor of the Zion Hill Baptist Church, Chicago, Illinois was the keynote speaker. The title of his message was, Fulfilling the Divine Destiny". 
At the  John L. Webb Banquet, Michael Washington of Auburn Hills, MI. was named the 2013 John L. Webb Award recipient as Layman-of-the-year. 
Washington is Vice President of the National Baptist Laymen's Movement giving leadership to the Evangelism Ministry. He is a member of the Friendship Missionary Baptist Church in the city of Pontiac, Michigan, under the leadership of Rev. Jerry Love, pastor. 
The News Flash is designed to inform members, friends and supporters of late breaking news and events regarding the organization and the men and women who drive the movement.   Thad Jones is the publisher.

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This email was sent to Ron Elliott by Thad Jones |  
National Baptist Laymen's Movement | 11403 E. 58th Ter | KANSAS CITY | MO | 64133

Saturday, December 28, 2013

National Laymen Year In Review - April to June

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Year In Review
April - June
Farwest Highlights 2013The Walter Cade, Jr. Farwest Workshop hosted by the California State Laymen in Oakland, CA kick off the National Baptist Laymen's Walter Cade, Jr. workshop season. The workshop was held April 19 - 21, 2013. 
 The workshop got off to a great start with the Friday Night Youth service. There were more than eight youth in attendance for the workshop.
The Saturday workshop included great teaching and excellent preaching from Jacquelyn Campbell, Tommie Frazier, Rev. D. Edward Chaney and Rev. Virgil Jones.
There were ten contestants in the bible bowl on Saturday morning.
Donald Norwood, immediate past president of the California State Laymen was the banquet keynote speaker.
The workshop concluded Sunday morning with with the annual early morning service. Rev. Harold O. Fields, Unity Baptist Church, Salt Lake City, UT delivered the closing message. 
The laymen of Utah will host the 2014 workshop.
The Laymen News turned thirteen years old in the month of April. This electronic version of The Quarterly, the original paper version started after the 2000 Walter Cade, Jr. Midwest Region Workshop in Denver, CO.
The year starts at the end of each April or the beginning of May. The Quarterly, the original printed version began in September 1993.
After eleven years of being known as the E-Quarterly, the title, look, feel and logo was changed. 
Walter H. Mckinney, Jr. of Dallas, TX to serve as the laymen foreign mission coordinator for the Southwest Region.  McKinney will coordinate the laymen foreign mission efforts in the states of Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee and Arkansas.  He is a member of the Denley Drive Missionary Baptist Church in Dallas where he serves as secretary of the laymen department and a member of the trustee board.  He also holds the office of treasurer for the Texas State laymen's auxiliary.

Richmond also appointed Lester Dewberry to serve as General Secretary for the National Laymen's Foreign Mission Ministry.  Dewberry serves as the Original East Texas Baptist Association Laymen. He is their Vice President-At-Large and a teacher. 
Dewberry is a member of People's Missionary Baptist Church located in Tyler, Texas where he serves as chairman of the deacon's ministry and Sunday School Superintendent. Dewberry is also the youth bible teacher.  Rev. Marcus Jackson is his pastor. 
Woods and WoodsAt the beginning of the Allen Jordan Seminar held at the National Congress of Christian Education in the city of St. Louis, MO., Supervisor Everett Woods, AZ, named Anthony Woods, Sr. from St. Louis, Missouri as his new assistant. There is no relation between the two Woods. Anthony Woods is the director of junior laymen work for the Missouri State Laymen.
Anthony will assist Everett in monitoring classes, collecting class rolls, completing forms for the national office and other duties that the Supervisor has.
Greg Oliver2013 
Rev. Greg Oliver, Sr., Monroe, LA served as the General Seminar lecturer for the Allen Jordan Seminar for the second consecutive year at the National Congress of Christian Education, June 17 - 21, 2013 held in St. Louis, MO.
Oliver is the pastor of the True Vine Baptist Church in Monroe, LA. He shared the lecturing in 2012 in St. Louis where the laymen were first introduced to him with Dr. H. B. Charles. This year Oliver will presented all of the lecturing, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday including being the luncheon keynote speaker on National Junior Laymen Day.
The National Junior Laymen Basketball Championship was played at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 18th at the Demetrious Johnson Charitable Foundation. The championship game was played between Alabama and Kansas with Alabama winning the championship by the score of 60 - 33. Oklahoma beat Missouri for 3rd place. 
This was the second consecutive year that Alabama has won.
National Junior Laymen President Julius Cherry delivered his address on Wednesday, June 19, 2013 at the Renaissance Airport Hotel.
Cherry graduated from the Health Science & Engineering Magnet High School in Augusta, Georgia on May 29th.
The National Junior Laymen Day service was held at 10:15 a.m. on Wednesday. Cherry delivered his address immediately following the National Bible Bowl Championship.
Isaiah Davis2The Wednesday morning session opened at 10:30 a.m. as National Junior Laymen Day at the Renaissance St. Louis Airport Hotel. The junior laymen began the Junior Laymen period and were in charge of the music, devotion and the presiding.
The National Bible Bowl Championship was held with nine participants.
The results of the Bible Bowl was:
1st  Place - Isaiah Davis, NJ
2nd Place - Isaac Ward, MS
3rd Place - Charles McClure OH
The Street Evangelistic Service
The Street Evangelistic Service began at 3:30 p.m. at the Carr Square Community.
The report was:  13 - Candidates for baptism
                         1- Rededication
                         2 - Prayer
                         3 - Reinstatement
Prison Ministry
Jeff Ridgeway and Emerson Turner visited the St Louis Justice Center (County Jail Annex) and conducted religious service. They were met by Chaplain (Rev.) Ralph Neal and two of his support staff, Ministers Davis and Young. The facility houses approximately 1,300 inmates. They were able to minister to 22 young men across the A, B, C & D Pods from the central theme "Dead End or New Start" based on the Luke 15:11-24 text.  Of the 22 men present, approximately 18 rededicated their lives to Christ and responded to the call to "Come to their senses and Go Back Home".
Men's Shelter Ministry
The Homeless Mission ministry team ministered at the:
Sunshine Mission
1320 N. 13th Street
St. Louis, MO.
The team members were L. C. Mitchell, Jimmy Maxwell and Melvin Snoddy. They distributed Acts of Kindness items that included 150 towels, 250 bars of soap, 200 jars of deodorant and 240 tubes of tooth paste. The team brought food to feed 44 men. Two persons came for candidates for baptism following the message.
The Acts of Kindness Ministry along with the local host laymen donated personal care items and fed a meal to the residents.
Prison Ministry
On Thursday night, June 20th, 13 volunteers visited the Minimum Security Institute (St Louis) and ministered to some 42 inmates. They dealt with the same subject matter as the previous night, "Dead End or New Start", from Like 15:11-24.  Of the 42 or so in attendance, some 37 rededicated their lives.
In summary for the two-day ministry in St. Louis:
  • We made 64 contacts
  • We witnessed some 55 re-dedications
  • We provided some 15 volunteers opportunities
  • We trained and provided training for some 10 -11 students 
The News Flash is designed to inform members, friends and supporters of late breaking news and events regarding the organization and the men and women who drive the movement.   Thad Jones is the publisher.

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This email was sent to Ron Elliott by Thad Jones |  
National Baptist Laymen's Movement | 11403 E. 58th Ter | KANSAS CITY | MO | 64133

Friday, December 27, 2013

National Laymen Year In Review - January to March

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Year In Review
January - March
The National Laymen began the 2013 year at the Mid-Winter Board meeting in Nashville, TN. The highlight always is the Special Projects fundraising effort where state laymen presidents seek to see who can donate the most for National Laymen ministries.  <![if !vml]>Special Project Winner 2013<![endif]>
This year the top three finishers were:
1st - Kansas
2nd - Alabama
3rd - Mississippi General
Clifford Jones (r) is the Kansas State laymen president receiving the first place plaque from president Harold Simmons.
2013 was Jones' second year of serving as state laymen president. Harold Simmons is a former Kansas State laymen president who is presenting the plaque to him.
Also there were many highlights for the week of January 21 - 24th at the Millennium Maxwell Hotel where the laymen sessions were being held.
As has been during Simmons' administration, those registering in the Discipleship Ministry received a portfolio, directory and calendar.
The Mid-Winter Board session set the tone for the 2013 year for the laymen.
At the Mid-Winter Board session in January, Grant Lewis of Kansas City, MO was appointed to the National Junior Laymen team. He had done a great job serving as the junior laymen counselor at his home church Progressive Baptist where the Rev. William Snorgrass is the pastor.Grant Lewis
Lewis also is serving as the New Era District Senior Laymen's junior laymen director and serves in the district's Parent-Body youth program. The Laymen News had featured Lewis and the work he has done with the district junior laymen under the banner of Transformers.

At Progressive, Lewis has the boys serving during the worship service each fourth Sunday. They usher, give five minute talks, assist in the devotion and serve where needed.
The Progressive junior laymen are involved and participate on all levels of the work, district, state, regional and nationally. Lewis began serving at the June session in St. Louis.
In February Vice President Richard Showers, Sr. who leads the Missions Ministry became very ill and was hospitalized for  three weeks. He returned home in early March and made this statement, "I'm making my way back this way"
Charlie RichmondIn March, Charlie Richmond, Jr. of Whitehouse, Texas was appointed by President Harold Simmons to lead the Foreign Mission Ministry of our National Baptist Laymen's Movement. He began serving as a liaison to the National Foreign Mission Board.
Richmond serves as laymen president of the Original East Texas Baptist Association in Tyler, Texas.  He also serves as Vice President-At-Large of the Texas Educational Baptist State Convention's Laymen's Movement where Melvin Snoddy is the president. Richmond also was added to the National Adopt-A-School Ministry team under the leadership of Charles Ewing.  
On Thursday, February 28, 2013 the New Friendship Missionary Baptist Church of Marietta, Georgia entered into a partnership arrangement with Tapp Middle School for an Adopt-A-School Ministry.Tinsley Signing
This became another school added to the National Laymen Adopt-A-School Ministry led by Charles Ewing of Memphis, TN.
Tapp Middle School is located approximately two miles from the New Friendship Church where Ernest and Joice Tinsley are members. Both Ernest and Joice are active members of the National Baptist Laymen's Movement. Ernest is an Asst. Vice President of the Education Ministry and chairman of the State Presidents Advisory Council and Joice is one of the faculty members of the Education Ministry.
This effort is being spearheaded by the New Friendship Lighthouse Men's Ministry and was initiated through Deacon Clinton Parker of the church. New Friendship was already supporting Tapp in other ways.
David Bozeman 
On March 14th, David Bozeman of Shiloh, Illinois suffered a stroke that would limit his ability to serve as Follow-up Chairman of the Evangelism Ministry and as president of the Baptist General State Convention of Illinois laymen.
Bozeman would gain enough strength to attend the June National Congress session held in neighboring St. Louis, MO. 
The News Flash is designed to inform members, friends and supporters of late breaking news and events regarding the organization and the men and women who drive the movement.   Thad Jones is the publisher.

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This email was sent to Ron Elliott by Thad Jones |  
National Baptist Laymen's Movement | 11403 E. 58th Ter | KANSAS CITY | MO | 64133

Thursday, December 26, 2013

2014 National Laymen Directory and Calendar

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Communications Directory & Calendar 

Awaiting Your Discipleship
Kansas City, MO -- Along with your carrying case, your 2014 Discipleship will assure that you have something to place in it. The 2014 National Baptist Laymen's Movement Communication Directory and Calendar.
Inside the directory are officer's contact lists, state president's contact lists, national committees, Walter Cade, Jr. program coordinators, contact information on National Laymen's members, email addresses, and much, much more. Get your Discipleship in Today!
At the January session the laymen hand out a portfolio or some type of carrying case as a part of the registration. This year it will be a leather carrying case.

The Mid-Winter Board session will be held in Birmingham, AL, January 20 - 23, 2014 at the Birmingham Convention Center. The laymen's headquarter hotel will be the Sheraton.
The specifications are:

A carrying case with a classic style as well as all the modern conveniences. 
The two front pockets are reinforced and the back pocket is sized to fit files or folders. 
Inside, the bag features a zippered pocket and a padded compartment for your laptop. It fits a 14" laptop. 
Made of simulated leather.
The carrying case is reserved for those who turn in a $40.00 Discipleship.
Due to the the cost of shipping, there are no mailouts. 
Persons must pick them up or have a representative pick it up for them. 
Don't wait until Thursday of the meeting to pick yours up. Pick them up as soon as possible.
The laymen's registration will open on Monday at approximately 10:00 a.m.
Discipleships can be mailed in or turned in during the on-site registration.
Again, have someone pick yours up.
The News Flash is designed to inform members, friends and supporters of late breaking news and events regarding the organization and the men and women who drive the movement.   Thad Jones is the publisher.

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This email was sent to Ron Elliott by Thad Jones |  
National Baptist Laymen's Movement | 11403 E. 58th Ter | KANSAS CITY | MO | 64133