Ferguson, MO -- The men and women of the National Baptist Convention Midwest Region joined by brothers from other regions, had an informational service and prayer vigil at St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church, Ferguson, MO., August 26, 2014. Rev Dr. Jimmy L. Brown, president of the Missionary Baptist State Convention of Missouri and guests representing various ministries and groups who were in support of the National Baptist Convention's presence, spoke on purpose and some prayed. Speakers were National Baptist Convention Midwest Region Vice President, Rev Dr. Jimmy L. Brown, National Baptist Laymen president, Deacon Harold Simmons, National Baptist of America, Inc, Brotherhood president Forestall Lawton, Rev. Carl Smith, retired police officer along with representatives of the Ethical Society of Police, National Save The Family Now, Inc. and Minister's Union of St. Louis and Vicinity. Due to 95 degree temperature, the group took church buses and vans along with personal vehicles and parked approximately ½ mile from the true ground zero (where Michael Brown was shot and killed) and marched down to the "street memorial". Although hot, the sea of black suits, white shirts and red ties was well received. Onlookers and residents stated they could tell the real church was present. After an opening statement by Rev. Dr. Jimmy Brown, a prayer was rendered and the group began to dialogue and pray with residents. President Simmons had an opportunity to pray and witness to a brother who was a self appointed advocate for issues he felt were important. After a group prayer led by President Simmons, all present, especially the young man, knew the National Baptist came to show their Christian convictions by sharing Christ and a biblical voice. After an hour of fellowshipping, Rev. Dr. Jimmy Brown rendered a soul stirring departure prayer and all delegates returned to the St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church where they returned to their places of origin.
President Simmons promised the residents, specifically the young brothers that the National Baptist laymen will return and help with the restoration process. Delester Jefferson, president of the Missouri State Laymen will spearhead the effort. The National Baptist Laymen's Movement had representatives present from Des Moines, IA, Jefferson City, MO, Mississippi, Kansas City, MO., Chicago, IL, Independence, MO. along with local laymen from St, Louis and vicinity. Report by Delester Jefferson and photos by Harold Simmons.
PS: A plan of action and return date will be set at the Annual Session in New Orleans.
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